Southern Fried Diary

Tunisian chicken
2003-11-25 @ 3:00 p.m.

I think I got this recipe out of the Atlanta Journal/Constitution. I don't have it with me, but I think I remember it pretty well.

Tunisian Chicken with green olives

Whole chicken

Olive oil

Chopped onion

Minced garlic

3 tbsps tomato paste

1 cup chicken broth

1 cup water

� tsp cayenne

� tsp tumeric

� tsp caraway seeds

salt and pepper

1/3 to � cup green olives coarsely chopped

Sautee onion in olive oil. Add garlic for a couple of minutes. Cut chicken into pieces and remove skin. Brown the chicken with the garlic and onions. Add tomato paste, chicken broth, water and spices. Remove chicken and allow to cool (simmering the liquid). Take the chicken off its bones and then add back to the liquid with olives. Simmer for 15 minutes (or until your girlfriends are done watching The Simpsons). Serve with couscous.

Riesling, either dry or off-dry, is great with this. Gewurtztraminer would also be good.

prep | clean up

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