Southern Fried Diary

Middle of the night artwork
2003-10-23 @ 2:53 p.m.

Why didn�t someone tell me that I wanted to be an artist when I grew up?!

Actually, I knew that I wanted to be an artist, but I have never been able to draw worth shit. So I gave up. But I love working with my hands � doing massage, cooking (esp. making bread), making pottery and beading. I�ve also been doing a little woodworking, but very amateur stuff. I saw a display of woodturning art yesterday and it made me want to learn how to use a lathe. Lately I�ve also been hankering to learn how to weld, but I think I�ll settle for soldering. I�ve seen some metal work that I�d like to be able to do. Sometimes all you have to do is try.

But for now I�m still practicing wheel pottery to get really good at it. This is becoming a real passion for me. I spend a lot of time at the Pottery Studio these days. I feel completely comfortable there, and I don�t always feel comfortable in new places. It is a great group of people where it�s easy to learn and practice the craft. It�s quite a dilemma for me. I need to spend more time at home, and poor Badsnake has been stuck doing most of the housework, but I spend all of my spare time at the studio. When I get better at I want a wheel and kiln at home, but for now I still have too much to learn.

Last night was a sleepless one, at least in the early part of the night. I wasn�t upset about anything, just not sleepy. At midnight I got up and read for a while, then at 1 a.m. I went out to the cottage to work. I�ve been refinishing a vanity. It was in pretty bad shape, so I�m doing a kinda funky job on it. The veneer was peeling off in places, so I took off as much of it as I could and sanded the wood underneath. Quite by accident I made this fabulous circular design in the wood with the drill sander, so I stained the top surfaces and I�m painting most of the rest of it light green. Four of the drawers still have veneer on them that�s in good shape, so I�m leaving it on. Two of the drawers had peeling veneer and rough places in the wood that had to be puttied. I painted them, one red and one blue. I�m looking forward to seeing how it all looks put together. I may paint some designs on it, too. So that�s what I was doing last night between 1 a.m. and 2:30. I am in surprisingly good shape for so little sleep. But the day is early yet.

prep | clean up

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