Southern Fried Diary

More seedlings in the garden and quail in the fridge
2003-04-30 @ 9:54 a.m.

This morning there are little bean and cucumber seedlings popping up all over the place. I'm thinking of naming them all.

No, I'm kidding. I'm not going that far off the edge.

It hasn't rained in a few days, so I was out watering the veg garden this morning. I finally remembered to use the water in the rain barrel. In the midst of summer heat and drought I get in the habit of using it, but in the early spring when it's still raining occasionally and the water shortage hasn't started getting press, I forget it's there. But Sara doesn't forget about it and reminds me that it produces mosquitos, so I need to use it.

I was also transplanting more zinnia seedlings because they are coming up too close. I moved a few yesterday but they are so tiny I was afraid that the ones I was moving wouldn't make it. Today they are still green and healthy, though, so I moved a few more. Zinnias are the easiest summer cutting plant I've ever tried to grow from seed. They are a cheap source of summer color.

I'm marinating quail today. Bad used to eat quail when she was a kid. Apparently one of her relatives was a hunter. Frankly I've always thought of quail as a fancy restaurant dish until I found out that in the deep South it's a commonly hunted bird. My people were white trash. I can clean a squirrel for you if you shoot it. Ricky, across the street is a hunter and has been paying us for dog-sitting with game meats. Our freezer is stocked with quail, duck breasts and ground venison. We've used some of all of it, and it's all good. Since Bad is on the Weight Watchers thing and counting her points and all, I can't make the quail fried like her grandmother used to. So I'm trying other ways to cook it. Today I'm marinating it in soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and some water for volume with some herbs and spices. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Also, I'm planning a kind of strawberry/rhubarb shortcake for dessert that is, hopefully, going to be low in points and tasty. We'll see. Rhubarb is another thing Bad grew up eating that I've never thought of cooking before. I love a cooking challenge.

prep | clean up

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