Southern Fried Diary

Spring in the garden
2003-04-29 @ 4:41 p.m.

This morning I got to have a few minutes of tea on the deck. It was a beautiful morning, sunny but still cool and the deck was still in the shade of the trees behind us. Now that we have the new fence around both yards I can let the hound out to roam free through the yards while I sit peacefully on the deck. I plan to do more of that this afternoon only with a glass of wine, and I will probably walk around our veggie garden again and examine it closely even though I just did that this morning.

This is my favorite time in the garden (harvesting and using the vegetables comes in a close second). I just love watching the beginning stages of growth in the garden. My particular favorite thing to see is when the seeds begin to make seedlings and poke their little heads up out of the soil. I planted seeds for bush beans and cucumbers just over a week ago and this morning there was one little bean seedling poking it�s itty bitty head out of the dirt under a piece of leaf. I love watching them grow from that point. Every year it amazes me that those tiny seeds can turn into plants that will produce enough veggies for my family dinner.

This year the vegetable garden has tomatoes, eggplant, two kinds of zucchini, yellow scallop squash, bush green beans, two kinds of peppers (one hot and one sweet) and pickling cucumbers. (I don�t pickle them, I just like the smaller cukes better.) It also has basil, tarragon, sage, oregano, parsley, zinnias, sunflowers and African daisies. I don�t know if the daisies are actually going to come up. I planted them from seed a couple of weeks ago, and they haven�t started showing seedlings yet. The zinnia seedlings are coming up so thick I�m already spreading them out. I like having cutting flowers in the garden, and zinnias are so easy to grow. This year I�m trying to stick with drought tolerant plants as much as possible because our mid-summer gets so hot and dry, and I feel guilty for watering everything. I keep the veggie garden watered, but I water minimally on the flowers.

For those of you wondering, my little family is still working, and from my perspective working very well.

prep | clean up

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