Southern Fried Diary

Short holiday update
2002-12-26 @ 2:22 p.m.

I had a wonderful Christmas. I got to spend almost the whole day with my family. I got lots of wonderful gifts, and I got to give the people I love most stuff I knew they could use and enjoy. Jake's parents joined us for dinner. I got to play with my beads. (I've started playing around with making beaded jewelry and I'm really enjoying it.) And I got to cook a lot.

But I think that may have something to do with why I woke up a little depressed this morning. It's kinda like post-partum depression, I think. I just didn't want yesterday to end. I think I may be the only one of the four of us who would actually enjoy having us all live together (Sara might, too). Yesterday evening after dinner and all the festivities, we were all sitting around relaxing. Sara and I were at the dining room table working on crafts. Jake and Badsnake were watching Queer as Folk on DVD. All of us just being together. It was a lovely, quiet family evening.

This morning I had to get up and go back to work. Bad is going to see her mother in Tennessee. Jake had to work today, and Sara goes back to work tonight. Life gets back to semi-normal. I really love those days when my family is all there. I sound like an old mother. But I guess that's what women like me do, crave the closeness of the people we love. Some of us are just like that.

Business at the store is slow today, but that's not unusual. It's always slow here the day after Christmas. Then we'll start winding up for New Year's Eve. This Saturday will be busy and so will Monday and Tuesday - at least we hope they will. Christmas Eve was very slow compared to past years. It was nice that I got to go home earlier than usual, but I hope it isn't a bad sign for the coming year.

I hope everyone else had a fabulous holiday and can look forward to an excellent new year. In January, after things slow down a bit at the store, I can catch up with everyone again.

prep | clean up

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Nothin' says lovin' like...