Southern Fried Diary

Italian Sausage Soup
2002-06-26 @ 5:09 a.m.

I got a crock pot in the mail last week from a friend, and it's not even Christmas or my birthday! So over the weekend I started experimenting with it. In the process of looking up recipes for it, I found this website.

I printed out a couple of recipes to start with and on Sunday I tried this one.

It is for Italian Sausage Soup. I made a few of my own changes. I left out the green peppers for Badsnake. Instead of putting the zucchini in from the beginning, I put it in closer to the end because I like my vegetables crisper rather than mushy. Since I used fresh basil, I also put it in closer to the end. For half of the stock, I used homemade turkey stock instead of canned beef broth (1 can beef broth with about the same amount of turkey stock), and left out the water. I added some chopped green tomatoes because I had some, and I thought the tartness would be a nice addition. The tomatoes also went into the soup near the end with the zucchini and basil (about 30 minutes to an hour before it was done). I cooked it on high for about three or four hours and then down to low for a couple more instead of on low for 12-14 hours. And I completely forgot to grate parmesan cheese to top the soup with. That would have probably been really good. But the soup was good, and I enjoyed using the crock pot. Today I'm planning to use it again to make Green Chili Stew. That will most likely be a recipe I come up with myself based on several I'm familiar with. I like my new toy. Thanks again, sweetie.

Yes, it's almost five o'clock in the morning as I'm writing this. No night demons. I just can't sleep. I've been awake since about three. I read for about an hour and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Since I'm awake I figured I might as well make good use of my time.

prep | clean up

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