Southern Fried Diary

Daylight savings time and me
2002-05-22 @ 11:50 a.m.

The weather has been beautiful here for the last few days. It has been sunny and cool with a good rain every few days just to keep it that way. I keep track of the rain because I have to water the gardens when it doesn't. This spring has been a good one so far for rain. This morning I emptied the rain barrel again watering flowers (I got the veggie garden yesterday evening). If it doesn't fill back up, I'll be using the hose this weekend. Of course I'm kinda hoping it doesn't rain too soon because Friday may be Jake's only day to ride the motorcycle to work - and you should see that woman on a motorcycle!

Because it's been so pretty my family has had to learn to wait for late suppers, and I've been less creative with my meals. You see, when I work day shift the first thing I want to do when I get home is head for the deck with a glass of wine and a book or my paper journal. There's often at least one other family member there to join me. Now that it doesn't get dark until after nine o'clock, I have trouble dragging myself inside to cook supper. But my wonderful family is very understanding. I've never paid much attention to the cooking magazines that brag about quick meals, but I might have to start. When you don't start cooking until 8:00 or 8:30 p.m. you don't have time to daudle for an hour or two in the kitchen. I usually do my time-consuming meals on Sundays, but on a pretty Sunday I have the same problem of getting myself into the house.

Last night I cooked for Badsnake and Jake (Sara is still on evening shift), and I didn't get started until 8:30. Fortunately neither of them was in a hurry. Jake sat on the deck with me, and Bad was updating her diary. But once I got inside it had to be a quick-cooking meal. That's when the wok is my friend.

First start the water for rice. It takes longer. Once again, do all your prep for the stir-fry before you turn on the stove eye 'cause the wok heats fast. I had some yellow squash and zucchini to cut up, and I sliced half moons of onion. We had some leftover steak that I cut into thin slices. Then heat the wok with canola oil in it (or peanut oil). Add minced garlic, onions and a couple of pinches of crushed red pepper flakes. I think when you are cooking something quick like this, if you put the red pepper flakes in the oil first you get more of the flavor spread around the dish instead of biting down on a hot pepper flake in every other mouthful.

When the onions start to get soft, add the squash and keep turning and stirring it until it just starts to soften. Since the meat was already cooked it goes in last. I also added some chopped ginger with the meat. Let it cook just long enough for everything to heat up. If the rice isn't done yet (mine had about another 5 minutes to go), turn the eye under the wok to low and stir it occasionly to keep it heating evenly.

The best wine for this would be red zinfindel. But I hadn't thought ahead to have any. But I'd brought home some Norton that we tasted at the store yesterday. We just picked up a line of local Georgia wines called Tiger Mountain. Norton is the only native American grape that makes a decent dry red wine. I haven't really tasted much Norton, but this one was good. It was medium bodied, fruity and a little peppery. It did okay with the stir-fry. Jake had some dry ros� that was leftover from an earlier meal, and I'm guessing it was fine, too.

After dinner I got to give Jake a short shoulder-rub while Bad cleaned up the kitchen. After Jake went home I put that silky slip that I'm using for a nightie back on, and Bad and I had a much needed cuddle in bed. I am one of the luckiest girls I know.

prep | clean up

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