Southern Fried Diary

Stroganoff-like thing
2005-02-21 @ 7:29 p.m.

I am in a feeling sorry for myself mood this evening. Which, I should explain, is a lot different from depression. Not nearly as life-threatening. The drugs are being challenged but they are working.

But I have do have a good recipe for you. I made this for me and Badsnake a few days ago. She has since gone out of town on a biz trip and I miss her a lot. It gets lonely sometimes going to bed alone.

Stroganoff-like thing
1 lb ground beef
olive oil
minced garlic
1 onion, chopped
1 can crm of mushroom soup
1 sm can sliced mushrooms
1 or 2 chopped tomatoes (or can of chopped tomatoes)
1/2 can beef broth
Salt and pepper

Start out with minced garlic and olive oil in a skillet. Add ground beef and onion when the garlic starts to smell good. Add soup, mushrooms, tomatoes and beef broth and heat. Very easy and quick. I served it over whole wheat pasta. I�m experimenting with whole wheat pasta. The biggest problem is that I love regular pasta. But I�ve found that if I�m serving it with something that has a big flavor of its own, it�s very good. It adds to the heartiness of a dish like this.

prep | clean up

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