Southern Fried Diary

Chemical reaction
2003-02-03 @ 11:25 a.m.

I was determined to make that last entry a cheery one. I've written so much negative stuff about my family situation lately that I wanted to be sure and let you know when things are going well - and they are going very well right now. But I don't feel very cheery this morning - probably because I forgot to take my Effexor yesterday morning. Also, I'm starting my period some time this week. I'm sure that doesn't help

Usually when I forget to take my drugs in the morning, I take it sometime later that day, even in the evening. But I was feeling so good yesterday I just blew it off. I thought to myself, I'll take it tomorrow morning and I'll be fine. I'm just not used to how much one missed day can effect my mood. I took all my drugs this morning, and I'm sure I will feel better soon.

It's funny that I have every reason to feel good today. I had a great weekend. I even had sex with my wife last night. I should be high as a kite. But I'm not. I never understood the chemical nature of depression until it happened to me.

prep | clean up

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Nothin' says lovin' like...