Southern Fried Diary

I made this!
2002-10-31 @ 4:43 p.m.

I made this!

Well, actually, I used a wreath base and wove the rosemary into it. Two of my rosemary bushes needed to be trimmed desparately and I've been thinking about making a rosemary wreath for years. So here it is.

Speaking of things I've been meaning to do for myself. I have a bad habit of neglecting my favorite things. Like I have favorite clothes that I hardly ever wear because I'm saving them for a special occasion, or I don't want to wear them to work for fear of swirling wine on them or otherwise messing them up. My new goal is to start wearing the clothes I like more, even to work. I just have to be more careful. I spend most of my waking time at work. Why shouldn't I be pretty here, too? And the really fun stuff - I'll just have to make Bad take me out more often so I have places to wear it. I've been buying lots of pretty clothes this fall, and it's time to start wearing them all.

In general, I need to be nicer to myself. I should be at least as nice to and respectful of myself as I am the other people I love. It's only fair.

prep | clean up

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Nothin' says lovin' like...