Southern Fried Diary

Butterflies in my tummy
2002-09-24 @ 10:54 a.m.

I got up early this morning and took the dog for a walk. I needed it because I ate way too much ice cream last night. I don't know which would be harder for me to give up, wine or ice cream. Angel enjoyed the walk, but we had totally different agendas. I wanted to walk briskly for excercise and she wanted to sniff out all the neighborhood doggy gossip. Apparently it's been a while since she could check her pee-mail, and it's gotten backed up. It was a beautiful, breezy, fall-like morning. I may have to try to do that more often. I think it's time to consider riding my bicycle to work occasionally, also.

So, I have a date tonight, and I'm nervous. I can hear my family saying "Nervous? It's just Nikki." And they're right. And it's no big deal. It's just for fun. But none-the-less, I'm nervous. In fact, to be completely honest, I'm more nervous than excited right now. There's a part of me that would just as soon skip the whole thing and watch Buffy with the family. But I don't think that's what I really want to do. I think I would regret skipping this date. So, I'll let you know how it goes.

prep | clean up

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Nothin' says lovin' like...