Southern Fried Diary

Summer of Love
2002-09-23 @ 4:13 p.m.

I had an absolutely incredible weekend.

A great party Friday night where I met one of my readers. Then yummy hot tub sex with my wife Friday night after the party.

Saturday doesn't count. It was a crappy day at work, and Saturday evening was mostly about chilling out and relaxing from that.

Sunday morning family breakfast was especially nice because I slept in, and my wife made the waffles (and my girlfriend came in to wake me up ;) Then a peaceful morning spent mostly doing my fingernails (slut red) and a couple loads of laundry while Bad napped. Sunday afternoon Jake and I went shopping at Value Village (thrift store) and I came away with a great haul: two denim skirts (one snug black above the knee skirt that ought to look good with the black slip-on high heels I bought recently - my first pair of high heels ever), two sweaters and a dusty pink t-shirt for $24 and change. Then back home to put the pork roast in the oven for supper and head up to the attic for more cookin' with Jake.

Yes, boys and girls I got an absolutely fantastic beating Sunday (and still have some marks to show for it) and a delicious fucking. If the earth felt a little lighter Sunday afternoon, it's because I was floating somewhere above it. Floggers are my friends. And Jake has introduced me to a new friend, the cane. (Badsnake introduced me to the single-tale whip a while back with much success, as well. Have I mentioned that I'm a pain junkie?). This morning I woke up happy and satisfied.

After my Tuesday date with Nikki (provided she actually shows up), I think I qualify as a bona fide slut (and a greedy one at that).

Refreshed by a short snooze, Jake and I made supper for our girls. We had pork roast with mushroom and spinach risotto. I'll give you recipes in my next entry.

In my therapy session this morning, we mostly talked about how much better I am feeling now than at the beginning of the summer when I started back in therapy. In the future when I look back, I will remember this summer as the summer I started taking miracle drugs. It's also the summer I grew my hair long and experienced polyamory in a new way, both the joy and the jealousy of outside-the-family lovers. In a way, I'm having my own 60's nostalgia, without so much of the rock and roll (I'm more a Dixie Chicks kinda gal).

prep | clean up

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A breezy night in Georgia - 9:12 p.m. , 2005-04-28

Things that go bump in the night - 12:46 p.m. , 2005-04-26

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Nothin' says lovin' like...