Southern Fried Diary

Polyamory Badges
2002-07-17 @ 2:02 p.m.

One day last week I kind of off-handedly told one of my co-workers that I was truly earning my polyamory badge. Then I laughed and said that I should make us all (my family) girl scout badges for polyamory, because we earned them. We speculated about what that would look like and he came up with three hearts in an overlapping line with an arrow drawn through the middle of them all. I thought about actually making patches along those lines (you deserve one, too, sweetie), but it would have to be more than three hearts. There would have to be four hearts in the center and then each big heart would have smaller hearts overlapping its edges and that just got too complicated. So, family of mine, consider yourselves awarded girl scouting's first polyamory badge. Wear it on your sashes with pride.

Another therapy session today. I came close to canceling this one for a variety of reasons. Then just before I went I was reading Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits by Dr. Deborah Anapol and I had sort of epiphany moment. This is another book I highly recommend, by the way, if you are interested in this sort of thing. Anapol includes her own brand of spirituality (at least it's not Christian), but otherwise it's very smart. I am re-reading it now.

I went to my therapy session today wanting to jump up and down and say "I've got it figured out." My therapist, always willing to encourage expression, said "well feel free to jump around if you want to." I didn't. Her space is in the attic of an old house, and I didn't want to find myself suddenly in the middle of someone else's session downstairs. But in the process of talking to her I felt relaxed, relieved and free of the stress I've been carrying around for a couple of weeks. I made another appointment in two weeks to give myself an opportunity to see where I'm going. But I'm leaving myself the option to stop after that if I want to. Once again my therapist was impressed with the fact that my unusual family functions so well to love and support each one of us.

Now I'm going to go make muffins for my girls since I haven't figured out how to make them badges.

prep | clean up

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