Southern Fried Diary

Wine and Kink, Kink and Wine
2002-06-19 @ 2:58 p.m.

I got my hair trimmed today. Actually it's a little shorter than I'd planned on, but it's been growing very fast lately. It's a blunt cut that kinda reminds me of Cleopatra. Teddy, the adorable adrogyne girl who cuts my hair said it was a '70s style. "You've got kind of an Abba thing going there." Is that a good thing?

I like getting my hair cut. First because I love having someone's hands in my hair (whether styling or pulling or just touching) and Teddy has great hands. And I like looking in the mirror and seeing something a little different when I get home.

Lately I've made my haircut into a day of pampering myself. I schedule the haircut for around 11 a.m. and then eat lunch at my favorite lunch place which is just down the street (fish tacos and spicy collards). Then I may go shopping somewhere - today it was Cook's Warehouse, my favorite kitchen supply store. I considered stopping at a sex toy shop but decided maybe I had enough of that over the weekend.

Now I have some cooking plans. I've promised Sara some homemade chocolate ice cream, and I have plans for a sausage and white bean soup for dinner. It's just me and Jake tonight. Badsnake is in Vail and Sara is working evening shift. I miss Bad when she's gone, but I enjoy time with just Jake (hee!). I'm also planning on some relaxed time with a book and a glass of wine this afternoon after the sun leaves the deck.

I've started re-reading The Marketplace by Laura Antoniou (pen name Sara Adamson. The newest editions have Laura's name on them, but my copy was published back when we didn't know who was really writing the series.) Recently I picked up the fourth book in the series, but I thought I'd look at the first one again before I started on The Academy (fourth). It is a series of S/M fiction. They can be very erotic, but I hesitate to call them erotic fiction. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I think there is so much more to them than erotica. They are much better written that Anne Rice's series of Sleeping Beauty books, for instance. I enjoyed what I've read of the Sleeping Beauty books, but they are basically jerk-off books. I lose interest in them after I've come.

The Marketplace books don't always make me want to masturbate. In fact, usually they don't. But the characters are well-developed and the plot moves me through. I care what happens next to the characters and in the story. The overall act of reading about such an intense S/M lifestyle, though is very erotic.

When I need to cool down a bit I'm also reading a book on Italian wine. I need to finish it soon because I've got a backlog of wine books on my shelf that need to be read. I've been enjoying studying about wine, but recently sex books have taken up more of my time. Something has gotten me more focused than usual on my kinky side. So I alternate wine and sex books. Not a bad combination, really.

P.S. I'm excited to hear that folks are receiving the books I sent, even in far away places! Anyone who wants to send my a postcard in return is invited to do so.

prep | clean up

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