Southern Fried Diary

Summer Side Dish
2002-06-05 @ 5:36 p.m.

Another recent change at the Rancho has been that we are truly earning our stripes as a polyamorous compound. In recent years you could have described us more as polyfidelitous (polyfidelity - sexual and emotional commitment of fidelity to a specific number of people). But this summer polyamory seems to be coming in waves, so to speak.

It is the Summer of Side Dishes at the Rancho. Jake has already had one visit with her side dish and is anticipating another. Badsnake has a visit coming up as well. So in honor of this summer's delicious side dishes, I offer an easy summer side dish recipe.

We had this recently with simple broiled chicken breasts.






Salt and pepper

Cook the pasta. Saute in a little olive oil. You can use frozen or fresh. Fresh will better (saute until it is just wilted), but I used frozen because it is what I had on hand. Toss the pasta and spinach together with chopped fresh tomatoes, a couple of tablespoons of capers, some chopped dill and salt and pepper. A little freshly grated Parmesan or crumbled feta cheese wouldn't hurt. Serve it just slightly warm.

After I decided to do this side dish recipe in honor of the Summer of Side Dishes, it occurred to me that at least one of our side dishes deserves more spice than this (the other one probably does too, but I don't know her as well yet). A couple of pinches of crushed red pepper in the olive oil while cooking the spinach would spice this up nicely.

My all-time favorite Ethical Slut quote: "It's not easy being easy."

Here's to making it a little easier whenever we can.

prep | clean up

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