Southern Fried Diary

Red Toenails and Chocolate Pie
2002-05-30 @ 6:43 p.m.

My toenails are red again! Red is my favorite color for toenails, mine anyway. I change the color from time to time for variety sake. But red is the color.

Anat has been writing about the color red in her diary. I have always had an interesting relationship with red. It is my favorite color, but I used to consider it too bold to wear much. But no more. Red is a good color. And pink is a very nice shade of red.

Yesterday was my day off so, in addition to painting my toenails, I made a chocolate pie. I got the recipe out of the newspaper. I think it was in one of those man on the street type interviews. They do a column in the food section of people at home who love to cook, and they always include a recipe. This chocolate pie rocks.

Pie dough for 9-inch pie pan

1 cup evaporated milk

1 cup water 1/2 cup granulated sugar

4 tbsp all purpose flour

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 cup cocoa

2 egg yolks, well-beaten

1 tsp vanilla

whipped cream for topping (optional)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Decoratively fit pie dough in pan, and prick all over with a fork. [I used Pillsbury refrigerated pie crust as they suggested, so you have to lay it in the pie plate. I did not realize how good that pie crust would be. I recommend it.) Bake for 8 to 12 minutes or until golden. Set aside to cool.

In a double boiler, combine evaporated milk, water, sugar, flour, salt and cocoa, stirring to dissolve. Cook over simmering water, stirring constantly, until the misture thickens and coats the spoon. [This takes a while. Get comfortable.] Slowly pour about 1/4 cup of hot mixture into the egg mixture, stirring until combined. Add the egg mixture back to the chocolate mixture and cook 5 minutes or until the mixture is very thick. Add vanilla and stire to combine. Pour into the cooled crust. Let the pie cool several hours and top with whipped cream.

I screwed up one thing. I got distracted while I was doing the eggs and I used 2 whole eggs well-beaten (every good egg deserves to be well-beaten, don't you think?) instead of just the yolks. I decided to go ahead with it and see how it turned out. It worked fine. I'll probably try again sometime soon with just the yolks to see what the difference is.

Yesterday evening was time alone for me and Badsnake. We had dinner together, watched some TV and ate pie. Then we went to bed and made love. (Did she tell you we had sex? Well we did. Bad and I do still occasionally have sex with each other, too.) It was a very nice evening, except that I think she got a little frustrated with my limited taste in movies. Bad - "I can't find anything that isn't too violent, too sad, or too stressful for you?" So I watched her channel surf. It was kinda like cuddling on the sofa with weird background music.

Tonight is alone time for me and Jake. We are going out to dinner and then spending a little time together at her house afterward (as far as I know now). We've been exchanging e-mail a little today and she has me all swoony about the date.

Oops, there she is. Have to go change clothes. Hope there are no serious typos here. Gotta go.

prep | clean up

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