Southern Fried Diary

Welcome Home Pasta Salad
2002-04-29 @ 1:17 p.m.

Jake and I got home from our Spring trip yesterday. Sara and Badsnake were waiting for us on the deck. I think Bad was on her third margarita. After Jake and I unloaded the truck and put the bicycles away we took showers (it was a hot drive home!) and joined them on the deck with wine (me) and a margarita (Jake). We told stories and caught each other up from our weekends apart.

Spending a weekend away with Jake has become a really special part of our relationship to me. It is a time when we can focus on each other. We have a level of intimacy then that is more difficult at home. Just like I need time alone with Badsnake to keep our relationship growing and blossoming, I have come to need this time with Jake. The first time that Sara and Badsnake suggested sleepovers I think that Jake and I were both resistant to the idea. But occasional sleepovers have also become a very important aspect of the family relationship, to me and I think to everyone else too.

The weekend was fabulous. We had a great bicycle ride along the Chattahoochee River and through a nature preserve. We also explored a little town in south Georgia known for its antique stores, and we visited with friends and family. I did some shopping, in Parrot (small town) and at the river festival that was going on where we were staying. The Bed and Breakfast was lovely. Yes, we also had some incredible sex, but I'm not going to tell you the details.

Pasta salad is a quick and easy stand-by for me. So when we called Bad and Sara to let them know we were on our way home, I told them not to worry about supper. I knew I had enough stuff in the cabinets to make a pasta salad.

1/2 lb uncooked pasta

1 10 oz can cooked chicken, drained

1 15 oz can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 2.25 oz can sliced black olives with jalapenos, drained

1 rib celery cut small

3 roma tomatoes cubed to bite size

olive oil


lime juice

salt and pepper

Cook the pasta, rinse it and let it cool. Then toss everything together in a bowl. Easy, quick, tasty and healthy. (Lindsey puts out the black olives with jalapenos. The pepper is light enough to give the salad a small kick without overwhelming it.)

I was drinking Santa Julia Torrentes. Torrentes is a Spanish grape that has enough fruit to hold up to the light jalapeno taste and enough acid to hold up to the tomatoes. Jake stuck with margaritas - also a good match.

We ate late because I wanted time to chill on the deck before supper. We do that a lot this time of year, actually. So there wasn't much time for socializing or back rubbing after we ate. I still owe Jake a back rub from the weekend. Tonight I'm working late so I won't see much of Bad after I get home and before we go to sleep. Tomorrow I expect I'll fix supper for two of my girls so we can eat while we watch the new episode of Buffy (Sara is working a late shift these days) and maybe give Jake that back rub. But I don't want to neglect Bad. When I come back from one of these trips I'm always feeling a special connection to Jake, sort of an afterglow. It takes me a couple of days to move away from the trip and back home. But I promise, Bad, Wednesday evening I'm all yours!

prep | clean up

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