Southern Fried Diary

2001-11-30 @ 11:28 a.m.

For Cin, I'm glad you like the pumpkin puffs. Did you see the note where I reduced the amount of flour to 2 cups and liked them even better?

I get tomato bouillon from a Mexican market near me. I have also seen it at a couple of Farmers' Markets that have good selections of ethnic foods. Badsnake actually got it for me the first time I saw it. She wrapped it up as a stocking stuffer for Christmas a couple of years ago. What a good girlfriend.

As to your left-over coconut milk, the only thing I can think of is make another Thai dish right away. I, too, have a left-over partial can of coconut milk in my fridge that probably needs to be thrown out as we speak.

For Mis, I've already e-mailed and suggested that the toffee isn't getting brown because it isn't being cooked long enough. Like roux (which I misspelled in your e-mail), it takes a lot of patience and willingness to stand over the stove and stir for a long time. I suggested putting on a favorite extra long cd to listen to or inviting a friend over to chat with while you stir. Or call my mother, she can talk about absolutely nothing for hours at a time. I usually need something to do while I'm talking to her on the phone to keep from killing myself.

Thanks for all the suggestions for preserving cilantro. I'm really excited about how my guestbook has turned into a tips and tricks list. (Watch out Heloise!)

prep | clean up

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