Southern Fried Diary

Glad you asked
2001-07-26 @ 4:24 p.m.

This is to answer some of your requests.

Enka signed my guest book (thanks to all of you who've signed) and asked for a cast of characters. What this tells me is that Enka is probably my first, and maybe my only reader who wasn't first a Badsnake fan (kinda cool, huh?). Enka, I'm going to send you to my wife/life partner/Daddy/hunk-o-burnin-luv, Badsnake for your answer. Check out her entry from back in December. If you haven't already connected with her diary I encourage you to check it out. It is entertaining, educational and down-right nasty.

Nicole asked in my guest book if I could offer any recipes to spice up shrimp. I have always loved shrimp so much just boiled or batter-fried that I haven't experimented with it much. It is also fabulous simply pan-sauteed in butter and garlic and served over pasta. The key to shrimp is buying it fresh which is sometimes hard to do if you aren't on a coast. Frozen shrimp loses a lot of its flavor. Sara made a wonderful shrimp dish not too long ago. I'll see if I can't steal it from her and share it with you.

And Trinity, thanks for the recipe in my guest book! I can't wait to try it!

Marn sent Joan an e-mail asking for recipes with tofu. She's lucky the request ever got to me in the first place. I don't play with tofu much because none of my girls will eat it. I like it, and it would be really good for me as I am deeply involved with pre-menopausal symptoms. The hormones in soy products are supposed to help. I have cooked with tofu in the past BRL (Before Rancho Lesbiano). I usually just cut firm tofu into cubes and stir-fried it with vegetables and garlic in a soy sauce and dark sesame oil base. Tofu has very little flavor of its own. It picks up the flavors of whatever it is cooked with.

Jake told me about a tofu scramble that an old girlfriend of hers made that she actually liked (and Jake doesn't usually like tofu or eggs). I assume that the girlfriend in question (a delightful woman, we'll call her J., that we haven't heard from in a while, but still adore) used soft tofu. If I were doing this I would probably scramble the tofu in a bowl with a little milk, salt, pepper and other spices like cumin or oregano, maybe a little chili powder or paprika or crushed red pepper. You don't want too many different spices, but enough to give it some nice flavor. Badsnake says tofu is evil, but maybe I'll get some to experiment with for myself. I'll have to hide it in the back of the fridge. I love to make a fun breakfast or lunch just for myself when I'm at home and have the energy. One morning last week I made breakfast burritos: scrambled eggs with chopped scallions, chopped hot peppers, shredded cheese, salt and pepper rolled up in warmed flour tortillas (just put the tortillas in a small skillet on the eye over medium heat and keep turning them while the eggs are cooking). Come to think of it, try that with soft tofu. I think I will.

I'm still a relative neophyte to the internet (I can shop!) and especially to Diaryland. I apologize for not setting up links for the wonderful people above. I just learned how to put in the link to Badsnake's page and I'm still learning how to put photos in my entries (Badsnake usually does it for me). I'll get better at this as I go.

prep | clean up

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Dapper dicks - 8:21 p.m. , 2005-05-09

A breezy night in Georgia - 9:12 p.m. , 2005-04-28

Things that go bump in the night - 12:46 p.m. , 2005-04-26

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Nothin' says lovin' like...