Southern Fried Diary

2001-09-12 @ 10:53 a.m.

I just got back from an incredible vacation, the best I've ever had. And I needed it. My life at work has been very stressful lately and, as we move into the holiday buying season, it will only get worse. But, as I said, it was a great vacation. I had a wonderful time with my family. It was relaxing and fun. I got to cook for pleasure, and I got to ride my bicycle, one of my other favorite pastimes. I also got to have some great sex with both my wife and my girlfriend.

We got home from vacation on Sunday and continued the theme of relaxation with a simple meal together, all four of us. Monday my wife and I both had the day off, and we acted like we were still on vacation, napping and reading. By Tuesday morning I was prepared, if not really ready, to go to work. I was ready to meet the stress of an overbearing, moody, immature boss. But I was not ready for war.

I listened to the radio all day at work, not really realizing how much I was being affected by the barrage of depressing details. I avoided following my co-workers down the sidewalk to another store that was playing television broadcasts of buildings exploding and people jumping to their deaths. I just didn't want to see it. Last night I tried to avoid those scenes as the four of us gathered around the TV over supper and tried to make sense of the day. We were grateful to have each other to shore up our defenses against the craziness.

But the details of this monstrous event cannot be avoided. I just spent most of a beautiful morning reading the newspaper. The photos are large and in full color. My heart and my stomach ache. I am as afraid of our potential retaliation as I am of possible future attacks against our country. This event is being compared to Pearl Harbor, and I can only hope with all my might that our retribution doesn't also compare.

prep | clean up

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Nothin' says lovin' like...